Monday, February 6, 2012

It's been a while...

It has been nearly a year since my last post.  What could be the reason for this?  I have been writing.  Just not here.  Also, it is not usual for people to get inspiration to write and then lose that inspiration.  It could be for several reason such as life catching up with them and writing losing priority, or it could be negative feedback, fear of judgment, and many other things. 

Most people don't require an explanation.  They go from one blog post to another.  So, I could say something generic like it was all of those things combined.

One year ago, I was very happy with my life.  But then a turn of several events happened.  From the outside, things looked just fine but the events lead me to question several aspects of my life. 

I wish this process had not taken as long as it did.  But, it did.  I could go into it one day, and perhaps I will, but at the conclusion of the process was not a set of answers but a realization that some questions will remained unanswered and that's O.K.  This not only calmed me but also gave me energy to live life rather than try to solve it. 

Will I continue writing on this blog?  I hope so.  But if I am not, know that I am taking a little extra time to live.

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